Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Yo Ho Yo Ho a 3-Year-Olds Life For Me!

Well ladies and gentelmen...we have officially crossed over the threshhold and entered into "Toddlerville". Thatcher turned Three yesterday in style. We threw him a huge pirate party and all of the family was there to celebrate it with him. He is such a good boy and we had the best time with him all day long. He woke up with a smile, and had it until he fell asleep in his new Spiderman jammies at 10:30pm.

There is no greater joy in life to have a son that you love, and who you know loves you! I am lucky to have two! I was told "Daddy, I love you!" about 20 times yesterday, and I know April was told the same (with "mommy" substituted where applicable) all day long. How cool is that! We are blessed.

Check out the pictures! We had a good time. April and I made a Treasure Chest cake for the party, and we order pizza. Pretty low-key for everyone involved (except for me).

Thank you to all involved who made Thatcher have the best birthday.


Kantos Kan said...

Reminds me of my old days sailin' the high seas, wearing patches and smashing pinatas with a baseball bat. Happy Birthday Thatcher!

Luke said...

I love the pictures, they're fantastic! So...I'm feeling a pirate party in late November for the two of us. What do you say?

Chrissy said...

I love pirate parties! Too cute.

Dave said...

never to early to start them on the road to plundering and pillaging...