Monday, May 5, 2008

We are back from our vacation to Mexico... and am happy to say that all the worrying and nightmares were for nothing, it was paradise! And we returned to find the kids alive and well nourished... I think we will just have to do this more often!

Before we left I had had countless nightmares about getting to the hotel and it being a roach infested shack, or it not existing at all or having bed bugs and being totally disgusting. But lucky for us it was beautiful AND clean!

We went diving in Cozumel one day and saw amazing things.... huge nurse sharks, sea turtles, two lobsters the size of me, parrot fish, barracudas, a sting ray... It was so AWESOME!

We went horse back riding another day and got to ride the horses into the ocean bare back.That was a really cool experience. Other than that we just laid on the beach or by the pool and relaxed.

We went with our good friends Kristina and Jaron and had a blast with them. Jaron and Mat seem to have the same sense of humor and were amused at how funny they could be. I was thoroughly entertained by them both and had stomach aches from laughing so hard.

I would definitely do an all-inclusive hotel again. It was nice to be in a little tropical city of its own and feel like I never had to leave if I didn't want to. They had food, entertainment, relaxation, and fun all at our fingertips. What more could we possibly want in a vacation?
Most of all it was fun to have Mat all to myself for an entire week!!


Whitney said...

That looks like it was so much fun!! I am jealous. I need to convince Kyle to go on a tropical vacation. Oh, and I would usually say Thatcher looks just like Mat, but in the picture of April with her scuba gear on, I can see a huge resemblance of Thatcher! Glad you guys had fun!

Thanks again for letting us stay at your place!

The Garners said...

So...that looks like a lot of fun!! I hope it was, and that you have a "leather wallet" type tan. Pretty much, you missed some seriously sucky weather! So, you should be GLAD!

It's weird, some of the stuff at your hotel totally reminds me of ours. Same floors, similar window-ee type views at the resturaunts. Man...I miss good 'ol Mexico. (This word should be said like "Mex-hee-coh" to be authentic!!)

And, I must admit, that the adventurous nature of your spanish outing does make me want to go back and try it all as a "whole" woman. I would totally go scuba diving with you. (I'd have to get certified!!) And what's up with the swimming horse?? And the pic with you and "Jose" on the boat makes me giggle. Don't you just love the little Mexican friends you make at the hotel and on the excursions?? Patrick was totally in with our butler, and we had our favorite waiter at the resturant.

Anyway...glad you're back. Get rested up. We wanted to call you, but we're giving you time to re-group and decide if you still wanna be friends.

Love 'ya!

Chanda said...

April! Looks like paradise. Glad you had such a fun time. You've got a lovely tan.

Becky, yep said...

Wow! I bet you feel all refreshed, rejuvinated and reconnected! lovin' it!

Brooke Bowen said...

That place looks awesome! I'm glad you had a great time away!

Chad R. Hawkins said...

That looks awesome! I bet you guys had so much fun. I hadn't read your quotes from Thatcher yet, those are hilarious. Seriously I was laughing out loud by myself for like 5 minutes..."poor litte cup."

The Garners said...

What the crap is up with that chick? She's freakin me out.

I CANNOT continue to check out the scurvy blogger if I feel that I'm being visually violated.

I feel like she can see right to my cleavage. And then she smiles. Seriously...I'm talking nightmares here.

The Garners said...

this comment is from patrick...

I enjoy that lady quite a bit. And I too look at Lara's cleavage so I understand why that lady would want to.

The Garners said...

K, I'm totally not stalking you...I've been messing with my blog header, and I just got your comment.

HILARIOUS! I went back and read what we wrote and looked at it like you would if you had no idea what we were talking about...I bet you were like..."who ran out of the zanex at the Garner's and where can we get some more?"

At least you figured out we're not quite that crazy. (Or obsessed with my boobs...'cause it kinda sounded like we were.)

We are weird. But so is that Asian beauty. So I say we're even. And Patrick really seriously thought it was the funniest, most random thing ever!

Shawn, Em, Spencer and Ty said...

Ok I know that I have just seen your blog so all of my comments are going to be way behind. That trip looks so fun. I am sad we didn't even know you went. You look fabulous in all those pictures! That seriously looked so fun!