Thursday, April 24, 2008

So Thatcher survived his first soccer game on Saturday, just barely though! He started out really pumped and got right out there and started running around. He made sure to stop and wave to us about every 5 seconds, it was pretty funny. I don't think he was at all aware of the ball he was supposed to be chasing, let alone the other players on the field. He lasted about 2 minutes and that was all he could muster. He decided that was all the soccer playing he had bargained for, and spent the remainder of the game on the side lines.

Here is Mat trying to coax him into getting back onto the field.

I also attempted to bribe him into playing some more, but there was nothing we could say to make him change his mind.

After the game he explained that the wind was to blame and how could we expect him to play in those conditions? He said he will try harder next week... if the weather permits

It was fun to find out that I went to high school with his coach. He was really cute with him, for the couple minutes he was in the game at the very end, he let Thatcher hold his hand while he ran around and gave instructions on the field.

Thatcher is such a fun boy, I feel really lucky to be his mom!

This is the scene Mat and I will be looking at for the next seven days...

We are off to Mexico as a present to ourselves for turning 30! That was hard work! Well, Mat isn't 30 yet, but will be soon. This will help ease the aging process. A little bit of relaxation is all we need...

I feel really anxious all of the sudden about leaving my boys for that long! Will they be fine for that long without me? I know they will be in good loving hands... Thanks to those of you who are taking turns with them! They will probably have a lot of fun and never even think of us for that week we're gone. We are so lucky to have such a great family who is willing to help!

We will surely post an update when we return to describe all the fun that was had...


Brooke Bowen said...

Good job for getting away. Don't feel guily, it's really great to get away just the two of you. You should be fine once you're there and having a blast. Do you get to dive too?

Chanda said...

I can't wait till my kids start playing sports, or karate, or dancing or whatever. Thatcher sounds like such a cute boy. Have fun on your trip. Sounds incredible.

The Garners said...

Oh, the soccer game! What a joy! Looks like it was a predictable success.

I know you're gettin' a really great tan...and looking at the bluest ocean...and eating really great food. I wanna be a hater...but I just luv yer guts too much!!

Hope you're having a ball!

Juan "the mysterious" said...


Nice blog man. Found you on Bishop's. Sweet fam. Where are you these days? What ya up to?

Be well,

mexican juan

alli may said...

hi. we need to go there together! :) you're blog looks awesome.