Friday, December 14, 2007

The Season Begins

Ahhh Christmas time. Here are Thatcher and Luke sitting on Santa's lap for the first time this year... Luke of course is too young for any kind of request and will get the mundane baby stuff like rattles and sippy cups and a new toy to drool on. Thatcher on the other hand knows exactly what he wants - a Light Sketcher! This is the one thing he has been talking about non-stop for the past two months. I don't think he knows what it is or does, but he sure enjoys mimicking the "light sketcher" robot voice on the commercial. I hope he's not disappointed! (In a few years we'll get him this

It's fun around this time of year with a three year old around. He sings all the Christmas songs from Jolly Old St. Nicholas to Frosty the Snowman, and on tune too! He's so cute and so enthusiastic about everything. We sadly use Santa Claus as a parenting tool to help discipline our child. He is always on his best behavior when he knows an elf is watching and will report his findings to Santa whether or not Thatcher has been a good boy on a daily basis. I don't know what we are gonna do when we can't use that as leverage after he has already come to our house on Christmas. It's been a fun month so far with both boys! Thatcher is a good older brother and makes sure Luke is never short of entertainment.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

You guys make the cutest boys! Keep them coming! Haha