Thursday, January 17, 2008

They Take After Their Mom

I bet that by reading our blog, you probably don't know how cool we think our kids are. Is it just me? Or is every parent like this? I have two of the coolest little boys in the world.

We were very glad to have Thatcher back in school after the break. Not that we didn't enjoy having him at home, but he really needed the social interaction. He loves his teachers in school, and always has fun stories to tell about the kids in his class. Each week he has a different letter of the day. Everything that they do for the day, has something to do with that letter. This week was "K". And because Thatcher was the "Special Leader" for the day, we had to bring treats for the class. Kit Kats had already been done this week, and I thought kiwis would be too messy, so we bought a bag of bite-size Chips Ahoy, and renamed them to be "Kid Size Cookies". Lame...I know...but what else could I have done?

Luke is really starting to get a personality. He has a hard time being left alone for more than about 3.2 seconds, and likes to be breast-fed every 30 minutes at night, but other than that...way low maintenance!!! This kid is always smiling. He smiles and laughs at just about anything. Still not crawling...not sitting up, but he'll get there soon.

In any case, I am proud to be the dad of two smart, cool, beautiful (they get this from April) boys. I am blessed!

UPDATE: The cute shirt that Luke is wearing in the picture of our December 14th no more *sniff* *sniff*. One day a few weeks ago, he dumped like a super-sized earth mover, and Luke had to be cut away from the wreckage. That makes three or four onesies gone the way of the shears. Keep poopin' boy!


Mj said...

Way cute pictures of the boys, and yes, they are beautiful! I especially love the one of Thatcher, he looks like he's just kicking back and enjoying the scenery. Luke has such gorgeous eyes, definitely has April's eyes! As for wanting to nurse every 30 minutes, I know all about it! Caleb was terrible, wanting to nurse every 30 minutes day and night. The best moment of my life was weaning him to a bottle at a year! Take care you two and keep the posts coming!

Brooke Bowen said...

Do you just have an awesome camera or what? Those pictures are so cute of the boys but the photography is awesome!

Chrissy said...

These are some of the cutest boys ever, I just love them!

Solipseismic said...

Were the jaws of life called in to remove the wreckage?